Secteur d'activité : conférencier en affaires internationales

Arthur Sosna

Présentation des clients

Artur Sosna is an international business speaker and experienced entrepreneur based in Luxembourg.


Le projet visait à atteindre les objectifs suivants :

  • Create a modern, sleek, and distinctive website that represents Artur Sosna and his services to his international audience. 
  • Convey trust, professionalism, and knowledge through the design of the website.
  • Showcase the key points that Artur needed to attract interest from potential clients.
  • Create a distinctive website that sets Artur apart from other business speakers in his field.
  • Use a fresh color scheme, different font effects, and quality pictures to achieve the desired look and feel.


We collaborated closely with Artur Sosna to gain a clear understanding of his objectives and ensure that the website reflected him and his services to his international audience.

We opted for a modern and sleek design, featuring a fresh color scheme, unique font effects, and high-quality images to convey a sense of trust, professionalism, and knowledge.

We made sure that the website was easy to navigate and mobile-friendly.

By taking a holistic approach that combined both design and functionality, we were able to create a website that truly sets Artur apart from his competition and effectively attracts potential clients.


