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User Experience / User Interface Design

UX / UI design that drives results

By providing exceptional design and data-driven consulting, our designers help businesses achieve their goals. We’ll help you craft a product that is tailored to your users’ needs and that delivers business results, regardless of whether you’re developing a new idea or improving an existing solution. New products can be validated, optimized, and successfully brought to market.

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Products that people love using

Why UX / UI design

Save money

Every EUR1 you spend on UX returns on average EUR10.

Prevent the cost of redesigns and failures

25 % less rework for bug fixes after launch.

Know your users

In-depth research and analysis of the user to ensure customer-focused solutions.

Validate your product

Create and test prototypes with potential users to minimize failure risk.

Increase conversions

Improve your website's lead generation and sales.

Facilitate decision-making

By conducting user research, your business will be more aligned with your customers.

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Strategy based on users needs

How it works

Requirements Definition & User Research

The first step of any project is to understand exactly what the business wants to accomplish, who the end users are, and how they will use the product. Our discovery process is aimed at achieving these goals. Our strategy include stakeholder interviews, surveys, user interviews and focus groups.

Data Analysis & Persona Creation

We bridge the gap between data and decision-making by leveraging user research and existing analytics. User personas translate these insights into relatable characters, making them easier to understand and empathize with for everyone involved. This ensures all stakeholders, from developers to management, are aligned on the user-centered approach.

User Journeys, Information Architecture & Technology Evaluation

After we understand your business and users’ needs, we map the user’s journey through your app. We will develop user journeys to illustrate different scenarios. Keeping our users in mind from the beginning helps us to ensure they can complete their tasks quickly and easily.
We work collaboratively with developers to solve problems, consider feasibility and set priorities.


Through low-fidelity sketches, we’ll map out the core user experience. These sketches will focus on the key building blocks – layout, navigation, and the main user flows – providing a clear visual foundation for collaboration with developers. This ensures everyone is on the same page about how the product will look and function on screen.

Interactive Prototyping

We bring your product vision to life with interactive prototypes. The prototypes allow you to experience the product functionality firsthand, on various devices like iPhones, iPads, Android phones, and desktops. This enables us to gather valuable feedback from stakeholders and users early on, ensuring we’re on the right track before diving into development.
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